Generating the WHAMR! dataset

Python requirements

Requires python 3, and the numpy, scipy, pandas, pyroomacoustics, and pysoundfile packages


This requires the wsj0 ( dataset, and the WHAM noise corpus available here (

Creating WHAMR

$ python 
    --wsj0-root /path/to/the/wsj/dataset/ 
    --wham-noise-root /path/to/wham_noise/ 
    --output-dir /path/to/output/directory/ 

The arguments for the script are:

Output data organization

For each utterance in the training (tr), validation (cv), and testing (tt) set folders, the following wav files are written:

  1. noise: contains the isolated background noise from WHAM!

  2. s1_anechoic: isolated data from speaker 1 without reverb, but with appropriate delays to align with s1_reverb

  3. s2_anechoic: isolated data from speaker 2 without reverb, but with appropriate delays to align with s2_reverb

  4. s1_reverb: isolated data from speaker 1 with reverberation

  5. s2_reverb: isolated data from speaker 2 with reverberation

  6. mix_single_anechoic: for speech enhancement, contains mixture of s1_anechoic and noise

  7. mix_clean_anechoic: clean speech separation for two speakers, contains mixture of s1_anechoic and s2_anechoic. The relative levels between speakers should match the original wsj0-2mix dataset, but the overall level of the mix will be different.

  8. mix_both_anechoic: contains mixtures of s1_anechoic, s2_anechoic, and noise

  9. mix_single_reverb: for speech enhancement, contains mixture of s1_reverb and noise

  10. mix_clean_reverb: clean speech separation for two reverberant speakers, contains a mixture of s1_reverb and s2_reverb. The relative levels between speakers should match the original wsj0-2mix dataset, but the overall level of the mix will be different.

  11. mix_both_reverb: contains mixtures of s1_reverb, s2_reverb, and noise

Generating only a data subset

In the default configuration, the script outputs all possible permutations of the dataset (8 kHz and 16 kHz sampling rate plus max and min style utterance truncation), and writes approximately 444 GB of audio data.

To generate less data, the script can be trivially modified to generate only a specific utterance truncation and/or sampling rate by changing the lines of

SAMPLE_RATES = ['16k', '8k'] # Remove element from this list to generate less data
DATA_LEN = ['max', 'min'] # Remove element from this list to generate less data


DATA_LEN = ['min']

to only generate 8 kHz min.

Generating stereo data

The WHAM! noise data was recorded with a binaural microphone and the simulated reverberation applied to the speech signals uses a similar stereo array configuration.
By default outputs only the left channel for both noise and reverberated speech signals, but stereo output can be obtained by changing the following line of

MONO = True # Generate mono audio, change to false for stereo audio

Comparison with original WHAM! dataset

The anechoic WHAMR! data has small delays between the speakers in order to align with the spatialized reverberant mixtures. While these delays mean that anechoic WHAMR! is not identical to WHAM!, in the monophonic case we have trained several models on both WHAM! and anechoic WHAMR! and found that average scale-invariant source to distortion ratio (SI-SDR) on the test set always varies by less than 0.05 dB, so we feel that anechoic WHAMR! results can be compared with those from WHAM!


If you find WHAMR! useful, please cite our paper:

    title     = {WHAMR!: Noisy and Reverberant Single-Channel Speech Separation},
    author    = {Maciejewski, Matthew and Wichern, Gordon and Le Roux, Jonathan},
    booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
    year      = {2020},
    month     = may