Generating the WHAM! dataset

Python requirements

These scripts require Python 3, and the Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, and Pysoundfile packages.


This requires the wsj0 ( dataset, and the WHAM noise corpus.

Alternatively, if you have already built the wsj0-2mix dataset, i.e. the output from the Matlab script create_wav_2speakers.m available from you can create WHAM! from that.

Creating WHAM! from scratch

$ python 
    --wsj0-root  /path/to/the/wsj/dataset/
    --wham-noise-root /path/to/wham_noise/ 
    --output-dir /path/to/output/directory/

The arguments for the script are:

Creating WHAM! from wsj0-2mix

$ python 
    --wsjmix-dir-16k /path/to/the/16k/wsj/dataset/
    --wsjmix-dir-8k  /path/to/the/8k/wsj/dataset/
    --wham-noise-root /path/to/wham_noise/
    --output-dir /path/to/output/directory/

The arguments for the script are:

Output Data

The script outputs all possible permutations of the dataset (8 kHz and 16 kHz sampling rate plus max and min style utterance truncation)

For each of the training (tr), validation (cv), and testing (tt) sets mixtures are created for three possible experiments:

  1. mix_single: for speech enhancement, single speaker in noise

  2. mix_clean: clean speech separation for two speakers. The relative levels between speakers should match the original wsj0-2mix dataset, but the overall level of the mix will be different.

  3. mix_both: contains mixtures of both speakers and noise

The isolated source are in the s1, s2, and noise directories

Creating wsj0-2mix

We also include a python script that replicates the output of the Matlab script create_wav_2speakers.m available from for those interested in only the clean speech separation dataset.

$ python 
    --wsj0-root  /path/to/the/wsj/dataset/
    --wham-noise-root /path/to/wham_noise/
    --output-dir /path/to/the/output/directory/

The arguments for the script are: